فئة الآرشيفات: dollar coins

Weekly technical analysis of the dollar franc

The dollar franc is moving in a bearish wave. We expect the start of the rise from the purchasing liquidity support area at 0.9088 levels, to target the selling liquidity resistance area at 0.9165 levels, and from the resistance area we expect the week’s top to form. But in the event that a four-hour candle […]

Canadian dollar weekly technical analysis

The Canadian dollar is moving in a bearish direction, we expect the start of the rise from the support area at 1.2559 levels, to target the resistance area at 1.2645 levels, and from the resistance area, we expect the top of the week to form, then to decline and target the support area again at […]

Canadian dollar weekly technical analysis

The Canadian dollar, as we mentioned yesterday, has risen and the aforementioned resistance area has been targeted Now we expect the continuation of the decline from the selling liquidity resistance area at 1.2805 levels, to target the purchasing liquidity support area at 1.255p levels, from which we expect the week’s low to form. But in […]

Weekly technical analysis of the dollar franc

The dollar and franc is moving in a downward wave, expected to continue the decline from the selling liquidity resistance area at 0.9189 levels, to target the purchasing liquidity support area at 0.9088 levels, from which it is expected to form the bottom of the week. But in the event that the four-hour candle closes […]

USD/JPY Weekly Technical Analysis

The dollar yen is moving in an expected upward trend, beginning to decline from the selling liquidity resistance area at 115.87 levels, to target the purchasing liquidity support area at 114.94 levels. In the event that a four-hour candle closes below the 114.67 level, we expect the decline to continue and target the second purchasing […]