فئة الآرشيفات: dollar coins

Weekly technical analysis of the dollar franc

اThe Franc dollar is moving in an expected downward wave, with a corrective rise from the support area at 0.9195 levels, to target the resistance levels at 0.9232, and from the resistance area, we expect a top to form this week and target the support area again at 0.9191 levels.

Canadian dollar weekly technical analysis

The Canadian dollar started forming a descending wave. We expect the continuation of the decline from the resistance area at 1.2677 levels, to target the support area at 1.2616 levels, and from the support area, a correctional bullish wave is expected to retest the resistance area, then drop directly and target the support area at […]

GBP/USD weekly technical analysis

The pound dollar is moving in a bearish pattern, we expect to decline in case of closing a four-hour candle below 1.3386 to target the purchasing liquidity support area at 1.3278 levels, and from the support area, the beginning of the rise is expected, forming the week’s low, targeting the resistance area at 1.3386 levels. […]

EURUSD Weekly Technical Analysis

The euro dollar is moving in a bearish pattern, we expect the beginning of the rise from the buying liquidity support area at 1.1131 levels, to target the selling liquidity resistance area at 1.1219 levels, and from the resistance area we expect a descending wave, then upwards, targeting the second resistance area at 1.1362 levels, […]

USD/JPY Weekly Technical Analysis

The dollar yen is moving in an ascending pattern, expected to start descending from the selling liquidity resistance area at 115.58 levels, to target the purchasing liquidity support area at 114.50 levels, and from the support area we expect the week’s bottom to form. But in the event that the four-hour candle closes above the […]