فئة الآرشيفات: dollar coins

Weekly technical analysis of the dollar franc

The dollar franc is trading near good buying areas, which we mentioned last week, to be the best buying areas, extending from 0.92358 to 0.92228, with targets extended to 0.92762. But in the case of a negative closing and a break out with a four-hour candle close below the level of 0.92228, we expect the […]

Canadian dollar weekly technical analysis

The Canadian dollar is trading near good buying areas that we had indicated last week to be the best buying areas, extending from 1.27217 to 1.26781 with extended targets to 1.28299, and after achieving the last target, it is expected that the top of the week will form and the beginning of a corrective downward […]

GBP/USD weekly technical analysis

The pound dollar is moving in a corrective upward trend, with a downward wave expected from the resistance area at 1.3601 levels, to target the support area at 1.3434 levels. But in the event that a four-hour candle closes above the level of 1.3601, then we expect the bullish wave to continue, targeting the resistance […]

EURUSD Weekly Technical Analysis

The euro dollar is moving in an upward trend. We expect the start of the decline from the resistance area at 1.1325 levels, to target the support area at 1.1226 levels, and from the support area, we expect the week’s bottom to form. But in the event that a four-hour candle closes above the level […]